Friday, May 8, 2009

Joe is Hurt....

Hmmm for some reason I can't get that picture to rotate, but Joe just wanted everyone to know it hurts him deeply in their lack of faith in his potty training abilities. But to answer all the questions-I sure hope he beats Dalley and Aubrie potty training, if you want a gas range and electric stove you have to get the two separate pieces, and no Clarabelle has not had her calf yet. We are looking with some excitement, some dread and a lot of being tired to driving all the way to Anahiem this weekend. I will admit that I have never been to California, so it is one more thing to check off my bucket list( can you check things off it that were never on it?) Off we go on another adventure...


Darcy said...

well when i was watching your kids last night i got dalley walking pretty good. she took probably 7-8 steps. Which is pretty early if i know what i'm talking about? maybe she'll just be early in everything and beat joe :) Joe will be the biggest probably but dal will be the fastest

Anonymous said...

That's good plain of yous, Joe is soo cute....
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